Gender gap remains a highly contested political and social issue. Even today, there’s a difference between what men and women make that can’t be explained by anything else but gender-based discrimination. At the same time, women are taking over a number of high-paying professions and making their mark on them.
Like with men’s jobs, these professions are mostly at the intersection of technology and business management. These two industries are going to grow and determine how businesses are perceived and how they operate.

Human resources
Human resources are a key part of any business. The most important assets a business can have is the employees and your top priority needs to be to find the best workers and to keep them loyal to the company. This is what makes the HR department responsible for the future of a company.
HR is about more than just hiring and firing employees. Their job is also to create a system that will make the office productive and oriented towards problem-solving. This may also mean that you’re going to have to work on conflict resolution and creating ways of dealing with office politics.
Physical therapy
Physical therapy is becoming among the most sought-after jobs. The population overall is getting older and more people than ever are worrying about their health and physical fitness. There’s also a lot more to this job than its rising number of clients. It’s one of the most rewarding jobs you could have because you’re being paid to help people on a day to day basis.
The industry is mostly dominated by women at this point, but that’s starting to change as the need for the employees increases. At the same time, the salaries in this industry are probably going to rise as the job become more complex and the number of patients grows.
App developer
Software development is an interesting and engaging field for a few years now. It’s a job that requires a lot of sophisticated skills and a dedication to the learning process. Now, more than ever, the developers are turning to working on apps because they have a lot of useful implications for businesses.
Apps can be used as a marketing tool and it benefits from the way phones and mobile devices are used. That means that developers working in this field should also have some understanding of marketing as well.
Marketing management
Businesses need to spend a lot of their time and resources on marketing. Even small businesses must have a marketing campaign that tries to understand the needs and the interest of their customers. This can only be accomplished by measuring the audience reaction.
This media intelligence analysis is usually outsourced to a separate company, but it should be treated as a part of marketing management since one can’t be done without the other; at least not well.
Eco consulting
Businesses and households are starting to take more care of how their daily activities are affecting the environment. This is partly because there’s a new generation of homeowners and business owners that are raised with these concerns in mind, and partly because it’s a way to save money.
This job is best suited to those with a degree in biology and ecology, but it’s also a job that requires the understanding of business practices and tax policies. These practices are often supported by the government, which means that tax attorneys can help quite a lot.
Office managers
Managing office activities is one of the most important jobs out there. Offices are a complex and complicated machine and it’s easily noticeable when something goes wrong with it. Office managers have to deal with a variety of issues that go beyond simply taking care of the employees – a lot of the job is about utilizing the resources within the office.
It’s also important to have in mind that a lot of offices are now mostly digital, but they still need to be managed and organized. The skills needed for managing a virtual office are the same as with managing a physical one.
Data analysis
Companies store a lot of data about their users, clients, and customers. This allows them to make marketing and user experience overall more functional and more customizable. Analyzing and understanding this data is what modern companies spend a lot of their resources on. The field is only going to grow and expand since more and more of our lives are online now.
This job is best suited to those with a degree in mathematics, but it could also be done by someone with a background in psychology and sociology.
These jobs are very lucrative and bring out the best of your skills and interests. Most of them are already dominated by women while others are becoming more diverse every day.
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